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BID Questions & Answers

What is a BID (Business Improvement District) ?

A BID is a defined geographical area, within which local businesses collaborate to invest in projects, services and initiatives that improve the environment in which they work. BIDs deliver additional services to those provided by the local authority and the police. A BID is funded by businesses and organisations in the defined area, through an annual BID levy. The funds are ring-fenced to that area and controlled by businesses through the BID Company. At the moment there are over 330 BIDs operating throughout the UK.

How long does a BID last?

​A BID lasts for up to five years. At the end of which a new Business Plan is published and businesses have to vote again in a Renewal Ballot for the BID to carry on. Only if the majority of businesses vote “YES” can the BID continue for another five years.

Why do we need a BID?

In 2019, 68% of businesses in Crawley Town Centre voted in favour of a new Business Improvement District (BID) and will run for five years (2020-2025) and the Crawley Town Centre BID was born.


Over it's first term, the Crawley Town Centre BID has delivered a range of projects and initiatives aligned to primary values; make Crawley Town Centre safer and more vibrant, businesses feeling more connected and widely promoting and showcasing the area.


The Ambassadors, dedicated Events Programme, membership of Business Watch, there are many benefits to being in the Crawley Town Centre BID area.

Who manages the BID?

The Crawley Town Centre BID is managed by a not for profit company limited by guarantee. The BID Company has its own Board of directors made up of businesses from the BID area and volunteer their time. In this way the BID is created and managed by businesses for businesses.

How is the BID Business Plan put together?

A considerable amount of research and survey work has been undertaken to help inform the Business Plan. About 40% of businesses responded to an area-wide survey plus there have been numerous events, meetings, articles, the e-Bulletin to ensure the BID delivers want businesses want.

How does my business benefit?

The direct business benefits include:


  • Delivery of practical projects driven by business ideas and informed by their needs

  • Development and management of the area influenced by businesses

  • More effective and influential working relationships for the benefit of Crawley town centre businesses, including Crawley Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and Sussex Police

  • Generating additional funds in addition to the BID Levy to deliver new services, initiatives and improvements 

  • Increasing footfall to the town centre

  • Delivery of measurable improvements to benefit all businesses

What will the BID deliver?

The BID will deliver the changes, improvements and projects that the businesses in Crawley town centre want and need and have identified as being important to them. It is important to remember that the BID is not there to replace the services provided by Crawley Borough and West Sussex County Councils. 

The BID's activities are additional to and on top of those services the businesses would otherwise receive. Services from the Police and the local authorities are defined in a series of Baseline Agreements to ensure that the money generated by the BID is used for the improvements voted for by the businesses in the BID area and not to subsidise either Council or anyone else.

Who decides and when?

All businesses who are expected to pay the BID Levy will get a vote in the Renewal Ballot (a postal vote) that takes place in February 2025. The announcement of the ballot is expected on 03 March 2025.

What is the BID ballot?

The ballot is a 28 day postal secret ballot administered in the same way as a local election by the local authority electoral services team.

How does the ballot work?

The ballot is a confidential postal ballot, the same as a postal vote in a General Election or local authority election. All eligible businesses located in the BID area will have the opportunity to vote on the BID Business Plan. The BID will only be approved if more than 50% by turnout and by ratable value of the properties vote in favour.

How is the BID funded?

The delivery of the BID business plan is funded via a BID Levy that is based on the Ratable Value (RV) of those properties in the BID area. 


In addition to the levy raised from the businesses, the BID will also seek to attract other funding.

Who pays the BID levy?

The person or organisation liable to pay the non-domestic rates for any property in the BID area with a stated rateable value is liable to pay the annual BID levy. Where a property is occupied, this will normally be the occupier. For empty properties, this will normally be the leaseholder or the owner.

Can I opt out of the BID?

No. Once the majority of business vote to create the BID every liable business within the BID area is legally bound to pay the annual levy, even if they voted against the BID. Businesses moving into the BID area after the BID has been created also have to contribute.

What happens to the BID levy money collected?

The levy is collected and passed to the BID Company, which can only be used to pay for BID services set out in the Business Plan businesses voted for.

How do I know the BID levy is being spent correctly?

It's important to remember the BID is run by fellow Crawley town centre businesses who are accountable via the BID Company to each company that pays the levy.

A series of performance measures are agreed as part of the Business Plan and regularly reported.

The BID sends out a detailed Levy Statement with the Levy bill setting out how the Levy was spent in the previous year and how it will be spent next year.

The BID also keeps businesses informed with monthly eBulletins and hosting regular events throughout the year.

Does the council already do this?

No. The regulations governing BIDs state that the services provided by BIDS must be additional services not already provided by the Council or police. The Crawley Town Centre BID only provides new, additional or enhanced services.

A series of Baseline Agreements are signed to ensure that what the BID does is additional and that the local authorities maintain their service levels.

The basic level of services the Councils have to provide are not enough to bring about the improvements Crawley town centre needs - this is what the BID provides.

How can I find out more?

Please contact the BID Office if you have any questions at all. 01293 241434


Other useful sources include:

The British BIDs website (
Part 4 of the Local Government Act (2003) introducing BIDs to the UK
The Government BID Regulations - Statutory Instrument 2004 No. 2443

© 2024 Crawley Town Centre Business Improvement District

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