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Apply for New Round of Business Grants - COVID-19

Business that have had to close in Crawley Town Centre due to the new lockdown can now apply for new government support grants.

‘Local Restriction Support Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January onwards' (LRSG) and 'Closed Businesses Lockdown Payment' (CBLP).

The grants will cover the six-week period of lockdown from 5 January until 15 February 2021.

Both of the grants are based on rateable value. The rate of payment for eligible businesses is:

For properties with a rateable value of £15,000 or under, grants are £2,001 (LRSG) and £4,000 (CBLP) - a total of £6,001

For properties with a rateable value of between £15,001 and £50,999, grants are £3,000 (LRSG) and £6,000 (CBLP) - a total of £9,000

For properties with a rateable value of £51,000 or over, grants are £4,500 (LRSG) and £9,000 (CBLP) - a total of £13,500

Crawley Borough Council is administering and distributing these grants on behalf of the government.


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